Dieppe Raid update
Dieppe Raid
There are still some places available for this trip on 25th and 26th June 2016.
This event was inaugurated by our very own Neville Chanin, a prolific cycling mileater and former President of the club. This year marks its 45th anniversary ( YES!! that’s right it’s been going all that time).
The event caters for all levels of the cycling community, with rides ranging from 30kms to 200 kms and a 40 kms one for the MTB riders, in and around the Normandy countryside. There is even a walk for those without wheels for the weekend.
Bed and Breakfast has been arranged on the seafront in Dieppe, for the nights of 25th and 26th June. For those travelling to Newhaven on the 24th arrangements have been made for a bed at the Eastbourne Youth Hostel.
More detailed information can be obtained from John James, who will be contacting all those who have recorded an interest with him.