Evesham & District Wheelers Cycling Club

Annual General Meeting

Monday 10th December 2018 20:00hrs

Wickhamford Village Hall


Chairman’s Welcome:

Steve Bullen welcomed everyone to the 2018 AGM.

There were 35 members in attendance, including the committee.


Apologies: Arthur Bennet and Norman Smith.



The President’s address:

Carol Hall’s report was read out.


Minutes of AGM 2017:

With no matters arising, the minutes of the 2017 AGM were accepted by all members present.

Proposed by Steve Bullen and seconded by John Jenkins.


Officers’ reports:

All Club officers’ reports were read out and accepted by all.

Steve Bullen, Chairman

Fiona Layzell, Secretary

John Jenkins, Membership Secretary

Mike Sampson, Clothing Secretary

Kevin Drain, Road Race Secretary

Neil Robinson, Audax Secretary

Mark Williams, Runs Secretary

Fiona Layzell-Williams & Keith Beasley, Social Secretaries

Martin Halls, Treasurer


EWDCC Proposal:


  • Proposed by John Jenkins and seconded by Mark Williams that all members shall, when participating in all club runs, wear a correctly fitted and fastened cycling helmet. It will become compulsory for all club runs.

Proposed by Steve Bullen and passed by 34 Evesham and District Wheelers Club Members and one objection by John Tromans.












Election of Officers for 2018:


All committee members stood down.


All positions were then proposed and seconded.


The following members will serve for the coming year.


Vice Presidents: Anton Newell, John Percival, Valerie Taylor, Roger Freeman, Clive Tree.


President: Carol Hall


Chairman: Steve Bullen

Proposed Richard Cowley, seconded Liz Coxwell


Secretary: Fiona Layzell-Williams

Proposed Keith Beasley, seconded Richard Cowley


Treasurer: Martin Halls

Proposed Steve Bullen, seconded David Taylor


Membership Secretary: John Jenkins

Proposed Phil Evans, seconded Fiona Layzell-Williams


Club Runs Officer: Mark Williams

Proposed Fiona Layzell-Williams, seconded Liz Coxwell


Road Race Secretary: Kevin Drain

Proposed Neil Robinson, seconded Mark Williams


Assistants to Road Race Secretary: Andrew Tarring


Time Trial Secretary: Position vacant


Audax Secretary: Neil Robinson

Proposed Honey Robinson, seconded David Taylor


Press Secretary: Position vacant


Clothing Manager: Mike Sampson

Proposed Richard Cowley, seconded Keith Beasley


Social Secretaries: Keith Beasley & Fiona Layzell-Williams

Proposed Steve Bullen, seconded John Jenkins


Website Editor: Position vacant




Appointment of Auditor:

Margaret Colborne is happy to continue.

Proposed Martin Halls, seconded Steve Bullen


Events for 2019:

  • Steve Bullen and Keith Beasley will organise another Dieppe trip.
  • Neil Robinson will be developing the Audax rides.
  • Cycling trip to Lanzarote in January
  • Mallory Park


Steve Bullen will do regular weekly EW briefs during 2019 to include elements of ride etiquette.



Club Charities:

Following the 2018 AGM the committee decided that the charities we would support in 2018 would be confirmed at the next committee meeting and announced to club members in due course.


There was a unanimous decision for the committee members to choose the charities for 2018.


The next Club night will be Monday 7th January 2019 at 8pm, Steve Bullen’s house.


Recorded by Fiona Layzell-Williams