Constitution and Rules (Draft Revision to be presented for approval at the 2015 AGM)


1: The Club shall be called Evesham & District Wheelers Cycling Club and shall be affiliated to British Cycling and Cycling Time Trials and other such organisations the Committee shall decide.


2: The purposes of the Club are to promote the amateur sport of cycling in Evesham and District and community participation in the same.


3: The management of the Club shall be by an Executive Committee consisting of the Club Officials plus two committee members all to be elected annually.


4: The Club Officials shall be: Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, and other such Honorary Secretaries (Membership, Club Runs, Clothing, Racing, Social, Press, Welfare etc) as the activities of the club require.


5: First Claim members only shall be eligible as Club Officials.


6: Membership:

(a) Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.

(b) The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.

(c) The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or Sport in to disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.


7: Club colours shall be Black, Gold and Green.


8: The annual subscription shall be decided at the AGM and displayed on the website. All active members must be affiliated to such organisations as the Committee shall approve and have Third Party Accident Cover. Members who do not have Third Party Accident Cover through full membership of The Cyclist Touring Club (CTC) British Cycling (BC), League of Veteran Racing Cyclists (LVRC) or Triathlon England/UK must inform the Membership Secretary and pay the additional fee for Third Party Insurance Cover available through the Club’s affiliation to CTC. Members who do not have valid Third Party Accident Cover may not take part in club runs or events.


9: Members wishing to resign shall notify the General Secretary in writing prior to the 31st December in any year, until doing so shall remain in membership.


10: New members elected after 30th September shall upon payment of the annual subscription, be entitled to all privileges of full membership up to 31st December in the following year.


11: The Executive Committee shall meet at least every other month, or such other times as are deemed necessary, to transact the Club’s business – five to form a quorum. Any member of the Committee absent from 3 consecutive meetings without affording reasonable explanation, and obtaining leave of absence, shall be deemed to have resigned and the Committee shall fill the vacancy.


12: Membership subscriptions are due by 1st January in each year (in the case of new members within 4 weeks of election) and any member not paying their subscription by 31st January shall be deemed to have resigned and have forfeited all the rights and privileges of membership.


13: No members shall be allowed to take part in any Club activity unless he/she is clear in the books of the Club.


14: The Club’s financial year shall begin on 1st November and end 31st October after which date the Treasurer shall present the balance sheet and subsidiary accounts which shall be audited by two honorary auditors elected at the previous Annual General Meeting.


15: The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of November, and at least seven days notice of such meeting shall be sent to members. A copy of the audited accounts and agenda will be circulated prior to the Annual General Meeting.


16: Items for the agenda of any General Meeting shall reach the General Secretary at least 14 days before the relevant meeting.


17: A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or, alternatively, by the General Secretary upon receipt of a request signed by ten members, subject to at least seven days notice (with a copy of the agenda attached) being given to the members.


18: No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except with the consent of at least two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting (or Special General Meeting called for the purpose), notice thereof to be circulated to the members seven days before the meeting together with a copy of the agenda or copy of the relevant alteration or addition proposed.


19: The designated runs leaders will be in charge of Club runs. This is for insurance purposes.


20: Only full members shall be eligible to win Club Trophies or claim Club Records.


21: Members or helpers using cars for official duties shall have fuel costs refunded at a rate agreed at the time by the relevant organiser of the event.


22: The committee, whose decision shall be binding on all parties, shall deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.