The Club Audax Rides were held on Sunday 2nd August, 2015. As in previous years we offered four rides of varying distances and difficulty in terms of vertical ascent. For once we were lucky and had a dry day which I am sure made the rides far more enjoyable than in some previous years!


The table below shows the number of entries for each ride, the number of finishers, and the number of finishers who submitted a completed Brevet card (in brackets).



Ride Entries Starters Finishers (with Brevet)
Clover Leaf 50km 22 21 21 (14)
Two Leaf Clover 110km 82 77 61 (42)
Four Leaf Clover 202km 21 19 18 (14)
Neville Chanin Memorial 213km 26 20 20 (12)




The day made a profit of £518.49 for club funds. There were no organisational hitches this year and to my knowledge no rider parted company from their bicycle unintentionally! The feedback that I received was that riders enjoyed the rides and thought the catering was excellent.


The event would not have been possible without the generous help of fellow wheelers and friends, John & Caroline James, John & Pam Jenkins, Sue Kendall, Roger Freeman, Clive Hall and Phil Irons.


Sadly, I have decided that due to work and family pressures, I do not have sufficient time to organise the event in the future to the standard that I feel is required. Therefore I intend to step down as Audax secretary at the AGM. I hope another wheeler will step up to the plate and I will be very willing to act as the necessary mentor. Some wheelers expressed a desire for new routes for next year and hopefully it will be possible to provide these.


Pete Hutchinson

29 October 2015